Public Speaking Quick Tip 9: Make Eye Contact

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

In this age of digital distraction eye contact has never been more important! Our eyes are the windows to our souls after all.

So, make eye contact with your audience. Don’t just scan the room – or look down at the floor –or stare at your notes – or randomly look around at the ceiling. Because your audience will feel disconnected.

Instead, intentionally look at different members of the crowd. It helps create genuine connections. It shows you’re engaged and present and importantly makes your audience feel like you’re in a conversation with them, rather than speaking at them. Take the time to look from audience member to audience member. The more you connect, the greater your impact and the more balanced and calm you will feel because you’ll know you’re communicating your messages effectively.

Today’s action step is: Make eye contact with your audience. It helps you connect.