Public Speaking Quick Tip 19: Don’t Just Wing It

Communicate With Confidence, Keynote Presentations, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips /

The best way to plan and prepare for public speaking is… to plan and prepare. Don’t wing it!

Even though the world’s best speakers look super comfortable, natural and just ‘in the flow of the moment’ a lot of work has gone into their presentations – and in most cases, years of practise and experience to reach that point.

So, even if you’re ad-libber by nature, fight your instincts and plan plan plan. Winging it does not look professional.

Plus most of us – more than 80% of the population – experience presentation nerves – butterflies, sweaty palms, short breath – so if you’re winging it, and you get nervous on top of that, it will make your job way harder.

So why not make life easier for yourself? A little bit of practice goes a long, long, long way… Know your content really well…. practise in the mirror, practise for a friend, practise while you’re waiting to pick up take away. Do what you’ve got to do.

Today’s action step is: Don’t just wing it!