Public Speaking Quick Tip 20: Create Your Perfect Stage Set Up

Communicate With Confidence, Keynote Presentations, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking /

Every room, every stage and every tech set up is completely different. It helps if you have a clear idea in mind of what you want the stage to look like and plan ahead.

Do you want a podium on stage? Do you want a computer? Do you want a chair? Will there be a little table with water? Where do you want the microphone?

The placement of all of these items impacts how you move and express yourself.

If you’re telling a story and you want to walk across the front of the stage and connect with everybody in the audience…. but there’s a podium dead centre – HELLO, it’s going to totally interrupt your flow and you’ll have to maneuver behind it.

So ask the event planner as many questions as possible beforehand to make the set up work for you. And importantly, get there early to check out the stage. Practise, move around, grab the mic… Get a good feel for it. This is your opportunity to make any final adjustments before you present.

Today’s action step is: Create the perfect stage set up. One that works for your presentation style.