STOP brushing off compliments! This is killing your self esteem 🙅‍♀️

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Confidence, Lessons

100-Day Confidence Challenge Stop brushing off compliments! It’s killing your self-esteem.  Compliments are like gifts. Would you say ‘Oh no, no thanks! I don’t want any presents ever?’ Instead learn to beautifully and gracefully accept all of the amazing things that people say. Why? Because you deserve it. It’s so tempting to downplay the amazing […]

The Egg Files Episode 3: Storytelling Series

Funny, Lessons, Storytelling, The Egg Files

In Episode 3 of my Storytelling Series: The Egg Files, I share:– Seeing Specialist #2– MRI diagnosis: 2 displaced jaw discs (YUP!)– Living in a constant state of fear– My jaw disc popping out – Immersing in the drama of the story, on loop – And also, the natural storyteller in me LOVING sharing the story because […]

The Egg Files Episode 2: Storytelling Series

Funny, Lessons, Storytelling, The Egg Files

So excited to launch a new Storytelling Series: The Egg Files 🥚🎬🥚 Episode by episode, I’ll share small parts of the CRAZIEST story that’s ever happened to me.  It’s been a wild journey I haven’t yet shared publicly – and one which rocked my world and turned everything upside down!  Each video contains micro lessons (because […]

The Egg Files Episode 1: Storytelling Series

Funny, Lessons, Storytelling, The Egg Files

So excited to launch a new Storytelling Series: The Egg Files 🥚🎬🥚 Episode by episode, I’ll share small parts of the CRAZIEST story that’s ever happened to me.  It’s been a wild journey I haven’t yet shared publicly – and one which rocked my world and turned everything upside down!  Each video contains micro lessons (because […]