Create a PLAYLIST with IRRESISTABLE SONGS to sing and dance to.

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking /

Create a playlist of irresistible songs to sing and dance to. Here’s why: when they start playing, you can’t help but move to the music and start singing. And what does that do? It brings you into your body, takes you out of your head, and grounds you in the present moment. If it’s a song you love, it floods you with positive energy. You start singing, you start smiling, and this activates all the positive endorphins and chemicals in your system. You’re dancing, you’re moving, you’re free from worrisome thoughts, and you’re totally in the present moment.

The best part is, if you know in advance it’s a song you have to sing along to, you’ll have no option but to be in the present moment and love every minute of it. Feeling good in your body naturally feeds your confidence because it makes you feel comfortable in this beautiful physical vessel.

By the way, confidence looks amazing on you.

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