Don’t downplay your achievements.

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking /

Don’t downplay your achievements. It’s terrible for your confidence if you’ve invested time, effort, energy, and love into something and then downplay the success when you achieve it. We need to celebrate our accomplishments because in doing so, we’re telling ourselves that it’s okay to feel good about our successes and to feel confident in them. We’ve done something that makes us feel valued, independent of external validation.

This internal source of confidence radiates outward as positive energy and becomes a gift to share with others. So, don’t downplay your achievements. Instead, celebrate them and get into the habit of celebrating everything amazing in your life. This will fuel your confidence in many ways and allow you to step out of your comfort zone, being your most authentic, beautiful, brilliant self. The true essence of who we are doesn’t hide; it embraces every part of life.

By the way, confidence looks amazing on you.

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