Make a list of things that feel IMPOSSIBLE. And then do them!

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking /

Make a list of things that feel impossible—things like, “I could never do that”—and then do one of them. But don’t set yourself a giant goal right away. Instead, break it down into smaller steps and work out how to achieve each one. You’ll soon realize that every single thing is achievable. We just need the confidence to map out how we’re going to navigate this brand new space.

When you realize that you can actually do things that once seemed impossible, your confidence will elevate to levels you never imagined. This newfound confidence will have a ripple effect on so many other areas of your life, influencing every person you relate to, connect with, and inspire.

By the way, confidence looks amazing on you.

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