Never say NEVER. It closes all doors to new possibilities.

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking /

Never say never. It’s a limiting word because the moment we say “never,” it’s like we’re shutting down all possibilities. The truth is, we don’t know everything, and life can change in a second, as we’ve all realized over the last couple of years. So, when we say, “I could never do that,” or “I’ll never get that,” or “That will never be me,” what are we doing?

We’re closing the door instantly literally shutting it down in our body, our imagination, and even in the universe. So, remove the word “never” from your vocabulary when it comes to something you’d love to do. Just opening that door can lead to so many new and incredible possibilities.

By the way, confidence looks amazing on you.

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