Public Speaking Quick Tip 10: Expect To Be Nervous

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

If you care about your presentation and you’re passionate about your topic, you’re going to feel nerves. It’s a good thing. It means you care. My advice is don’t resist it. When we go ‘OMG I wish I wish I didn’t feel this way’ we actually create extra panic and anxiety. When we push against our nerves they get 10 times worse because we’re creating more resistance.

Instead, just go “OK cool, my hands are clammy, my heart’s beating fast, I can feel butterflies. What am I going to do? I’m going to breathe. Remember my breathing technique video. In for 4, hold for 2, out for 4.

If you’re ready for nerves they won’t frighten you. Understand and acknowledge that nervous energy is just part of the game. Say to yourself: ‘I’m going to be nervous, it’s just part of the process of public speaking, and I’m going to be ready for it! Control your physiology instead of it controlling you!

Today’s action step is: Expect to be nervous… and then you’ll be ready for it!