Public Speaking Quick Tip 11: Watch For Audience Feedback

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

A crowd is often the most scary aspect for a presenter because there are living, breathing humans in front of you with all eyes on you and you only

But your audience in one of the best parts of live presentations. Why? Your audience is like a live thermostat. You can instantly gauge whether you’re hot or whether you’re not. In other words, how well your speech, content and delivery is being received.

Because you can literally see how effectively you’re engaging your audience. If all eyes are on you, you’re doing great! If heads are down and they’re using their mobile phones it’s a cue for you to change what you’re doing…

So move around, tell a story, jump to a more exciting part of your presentation, have some crowd interaction, shake it up. Watch for feedback and be agile so you can capture your audience’s attention.

Today’s action step is: Watch for audience feedback and adapt your delivery.