Public Speaking Quick Tip 15: Practise As Much As Possible

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Videos /

There are generally 2 types of speakers.

1. Speakers who plan and prepare every single word of their script, to the tee…. And 2. The ad-libbers. Maybe they’ll have some bullet points but generally they’ll get up and present off the cuff. Whatever comes out in the moment, comes out.

Now matter where you are on the scale and where your individual strengths lie, practicing your presentation is crucial. When you’re presenting, there’s an expectation that you’re an expert in your topic — which means, you need to know your content inside out. So, write out your notes, your ideas, your key points – and read them as often as you as you can. The more you practice, the more polished and cohesive your presentation will be.

If you’re a mad script writer, practicing gives you freedom. It means your eyes won’t be glued to your script on stage. And if you’re an off the cuff presenter, practice helps ensure you actually hit your key messages so that you don’t finish your speech going ‘Great presentation, but I can’t believe i forgot to highlight x, y and z.’

So today’s action step is: Practise as much as possible so you know your content inside out.