Public Speaking Quick Tip 17: Script In Breathing Space

Communicate With Confidence, Keynote Presentations, Planning, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips /

When you’re working on your script, always plan for less time than you’re allocated. So if you’re given a 30-minute speaking spot, don’t create 30 minutes of content. Plan for 20, or max 25.

You want to give yourself time to breathe. So much can happen in the moment you can’t plan for: agenda changes, delegates coming into the room late, speakers running over and pushing the schedule out. There is always a greater chance your time will be cut than it will ever be extended.

So, plan for less so you’re not rushing through your content. Give yourself space to pace, to pause, and, depending on your style, for crowd interaction, laughter, Q&A…

It’s better to run short than to run over. I mean, why spend a 30 minutes presenting if you can deliver your message in 20? It’s tighter, more concise and punchier. It’s better for you and your audience.

Today’s action step is: Script in breathing space.