Public Speaking Quick Tip 18: Let Your YOU Come Through

Communicate With Confidence, Keynote Presentations, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips /

When you’re presenting, be yourself. Sometimes stage nerves can take over and we can go into presentation mod where we just get robotic and suddenly and immediately lose all of the personality we have ever had.

And just turn into a talking head…. Or we hide behind the podium, and not move, and lose all our animation, and stick to our script.

Try your hardest to not lose yourself when you’re presenting. Be the you on stage that you are off stage. Just accentuated! Don’t be afraid to bring your personality to life and use it to connect with your audience.

We connect with speakers on an emotional level. The best speakers share a true part of themselves with their audience. Their message resonates with us, in here.

So don’t try to be like anybody else. When you’re presenting, show people why you’re different.

Today’s action step is: Let your YOU come through.