Public Speaking Quick Tip 2: Smile

Communicate With Confidence, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

Did you know that we have a seven second window to make a positive first impression? That is nothing. That’s from now – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 – until now….

The best way to make a positive first impression is to smile. That means when you hit the stage, when you get up to present, your first impression matters. If you hit the stage smiling, you carry that positive energy through your presentation.

Here’s a few fun facts about smiling:

1. It’s more contagious than the flu
2. It’s easier to smile than it is to frown.
3. Its been scientifically proven that smiling genuinely makes us feel better so try it.

And you can see such a massive difference. If I said “I’m really excited to be presenting to you today…” VS “I’m really excited to be presenting to you today.”

You can see a massive difference! Try it.

Today’s action step is: Smile (when you’re presenting).