Public Speaking Quick Tip 4: Inflect Your Voice

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

We have so amazing physical tools to help bring our message to life on stage when we are speaking – one of which is our voice.

Think of your voice as a tool you can maneuver to enhance the message you’re delivering. When we speak slowly, we come across as monotone. When we speak quickly we come across as nervous or really excited, or super high energy

Here’s an awesome statistic: the most successful TED speakers have 30.5% higher vocal variety.

You want to inflect certain words to add to the meaning of your message and therefore the impact of what you’re delivering.

We all have our own individual rhythm
We all have our own individual rhythm
We all have our own individual rhythm
(Dance moves optional)

Increasing the fluctuation in your voice and emphasizing certain words – whether through tone, volume or pitch – makes it more exciting for you and your audience.

Today’s action step is: Inflect your voice to enhance your messages.