Public Speaking Quick Tip 6: Don’t Aim For Perfect

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

Often when we’re presenting we want to do the best job possible. We want to be perfect.

Any perfectionists out there? Hi…..

We can get so preoccupied with aiming for perfect that it adds pressure and heightens our anxiety + nerves and can work against us.

I have a secret for you… are you ready? Perfect doesn’t exist. In fact, it’s the enemy of success. Why? Because, well 1. Perfect is subjective. So what you love and what I love might be completely different. And 2. When we present there are heaps of factors way out of our control.

So if we aim for perfect we’re holding ourselves up to impossible standards because there is no “perfect” benchmark. So forget the old saying “practice makes perfect” instead go with “practice makes better!” because that is true.

Plus, your audience wants connection, engagement, excitement, honesty…. not perfection.

Today’s action step is: Don’t aim for perfect. It doesn’t exist