Public Speaking Quick Tip 7: Present With Open Body Language

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

Did you know that 93% of our communication is non verbal? (Seriously…)

We all have these amazing physical tools we can use to bring our message to life but sometimes we just forget to use them or use them incorrectly.

Here’s some body language DO NOTs

Do not hold yourself in any way that closes you off from your audience.
Do not cross your arms
Do not have your hands in your pocket
Do not hunch and look down

On the other hand… here’s some body language DOs

Do be open and expressive.
Do use as many movements and gestures as you can. remember when people are watching you speak there is one of you and many more of them. Speak with your arms and hands because it helps communicate your messages in a bigger way.

So, smile, have an open chest and an open heart.

Today’s action step is: Present with open body language.