Public Speaking Quick Tip 8: It’s OK to Make Mistakes

Communicate With Confidence, Presentation Skills, Public Speaking, Tips, Videos /

No matter how professional we are, we all make mistakes. If you do make a mistake when presenting, own it! Make it yours!

If we’ve made a mistake and it destablises us, and then we mumble or are visibly nervous this radiates to our audience and they become uncomfortable.

In comedy we are taught to acknowledge the awkward. That means, whatever happens on stage or in the room, address it. Why? Because everybody’s paying attention to it. so if you’re the only one, on stage, who pretended to not hear the really loud plate that shattered – that’s weird. The same goes for your presentation. If you mess up, fess up. It happens to us all. It’s OK. It means you’re human. Nobody is perfect.

So, don’t criticise yourself if you make a mistake. Learn from it and move forward.

Today’s action step is: It’s OK to make mistakes. We all do it.