Trust your intuition

100 Days to Carefree Confidence Challenge, Communicate With Confidence, Confidence /

Trust your intuition.

This is a big big big one when we trust ourselves and we believe in ourselves, obviously, we are capable of anything which fuels our confidence in the best way possible.

When we don’t trust ourselves and we’re listening to other people, we are fearful of other people.

We’re listening to judgments and opinions and we’re basically validating ourselves by the world around us.

It’s a disaster and we’re never going to feel confident about what we’re doing because we’re not measuring it by how we feel inside and what feels right to us.

We’re letting the outside world determine what feels right and that is never going to end well.

And it’s never going to actually resonate.

Don’t go outside for answers. Always do what feels right because if it feels good and it feels right in your heart and in your body, it is 1000% fueling your confidence in the best way possible.

And remember confidence looks amazing on you.

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